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# input base level as a float
base_level = float(input('type the value for the base level:\n'))
# input distance from floor to floor as a float
ftf = float(input('type the floor to floor distance:\n'))
# input number of floors as a integer
num_f = int(input('number of floor:\n'))
# Before the loop start we need to prepare some variables
# set the current floor levels as the base level
current_f = base_level
# set the floor cout to zero
count = 0
# Loop:
# while the count varabel is less than the number of floors
while count < num_f:
# Print the floor number
print ('Floor number: ', count)
# Print the level value
print ('level: ', current_f)
# print a line to separate the values
# Update the floor count
count = count + 1
# Update the valur of the current floor
current_f = current_f + ftf
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