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You have to follow some steps to install Ladybug tools in Grasshopper.

Download Installation files


You need to have a free account in Food4Rhino to download the installer.

The Ladybug tools installer is available in the Food for Rhino page


Search for Ladybug and download the most recent version of Ladybug tools


Alternatively, you canDownload ladybug from the link below:

Food4Rhino Ladybug Tools Page

Read the installation instructions

Read the instructions on the Installation Instructions Page.

Follow the installation instructions for you operating system

Basically you need to:

  1. unzip the downloaded file
  2. Open the file on Grasshopper


  3. Turn the Boolean toggle # 1 to True ( by double clicking on the False text)

  4. Wait till the component stops running (The False text will be set to True and a message will appear on the panel as shown on the image below).
  5. Turn the Boolean toggle # 2 to True ( by double clicking on the False text)
  6. Restart Rhino.


Important folders in Ladybug instalattion:

  • Ladybug tools: %userprofile%\ladybug_tools
  • Grasshopper Plugins Folder: %APPDATA%\Grasshopper
  • EPW download folder: C:\ladybug

Install Optional softwares

Follow the optional steps of the installation to Install Radiance, Open studio and URBANopt CLI. Those softawares are important to run properly certain components in ladybugtools.

Look for the compatibility matrix for the proper versions for Those softawares.

  1. Clique in the link of the software on the compatibility matrix. This will redirect you to the download page of the specific version.
  2. In the download page, scroll to the bottom and look for the assets section.
  3. In the assets section, look for the installer for your operating system.
  4. Download and run the installer, run and follow the instructions.
  5. is recommended to install Radiance, Open studio under the %userprofile%\ladybug_tools folders:
  6. C:\Users\[username]\ladybug_tools\Radiance
  7. C:\Users\[username]\ladybug_tools\openstudio

Cheking instalation

To check the insalation, download the [], or use the Honeybee components and panels as in the image below:

install check